Sju man i regn, dis och dimma

juni 27th, 2012

Sju personer ombord och ösregn, småregn eller dimma utanför. Tufft folk med bra regnställ! Glada typer som gillar äventyr. Första nätterna i vilda ankarvikar. Landexpedition i första viken genom nästan ogenomtränglig trolldjungel och utforskande av helt överraskande upptäckt välutrustad jaktstuga. Utanför stod till och med en fyrhjuling halvt begravd i gräs och buskar. Andra ankarviken långt in mellan höga snöklädda toppar. Den inbjöd till paddelturer i kajakerna och roddturer in till land i gummidingen. Sälar i viken, jättestora sjöstjärnor på botten, tyvärr ingen fångst i krabburen. Två raggiga pratsamma kanadensare i gammal fin motorbåt låg för ankar. De kom förbi på en kopp te och gav oss många bra tips om fiske och ankarplatser framöver.

9 svar till “Sju man i regn, dis och dimma“

  1. You’ve hit the ball out the park! Incredible!

  2. I’m quite pleased with the information in this one. TY!

  3. That’s really thinking of the highest order

  4. Best of luck with figuring out a new approach to running and everything else. I have had to do much of the same over the past year or so because of various changes in my life–it can be a frustrating process. In my case, it was the broken hand from falling on the CO trail that prompted a recalibration. I took it as a message from somewhere that it was time to step back and evaluate.See you on the trials.Jeff

  5. Ask the Romanians and Slovaks about Hungarian fascism. On the other hand, the demented Jewish NWO tycoons and pols, from the Hungarian-born George Soros through the Milliband brothers, to Job Cohen (Amsterdam) to Mayor Bloombrains to Chuck Schumer to David Axelrod and dozens of others in the U.S. carry a part of the blame. It's their insanity that good people who happen to be Jews will pay the price for.Takuan Seiyo

  6. Midge skriver:

    KNNBCCB, make my horse wanna race also… eh.. finish the story lah! Shit, I long time no go Zouk liao, actually I Manaasiyl, so i go KL Zouk, come here NUS study.. no CB time to go Zouk also…

  7. http://www./ skriver:

    That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!

  8. Thanks for publishing all those nice tutorials. Being short on money, your techniques are a wonderfull way to make embellishments without spending too much, really nice and easy.

  9. Hiren’s CD should help – you’ll need to stick it into the CD-ROM drive, make sure your machine is setup to boot off that device (set that option in the BIOS) and then navigate through the many options once the boot CD has loaded. You could try booting up with the HP CD and attempt to break the boot to get into the admin console – I don’t know whether that is possible from the recovery disk (I assume it isn’t). Last option: get hold of a mate or an admin and borrow a bootable XP disk. Good luck!

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